Infrastructure Development
A. Designed, fabricated and established high end laboratory instrumentation with funding from DST-SERB, CSIR, DRDO, DAE, AvH foundation and IIT Madras
1. Established timing circuits and detector operations for a Positron Lifetime Spectrometer with BaF2 and HPGe detectors coupled with low temperature accessories (1998 - 2005).
2. Polarization-modulated Infrared Reflection-Absorption Spectrometer with Mercury telluride detector, hyphenated with a Bruker 77 IR spectrometer and computer-controlled angle dependent accessories for a Langmuir - Blodgett trough (2007 - 2022): for Quantifying Molecular Orientation in highly oriented mono/multilayer assembled materials in-situ.
3. Coupled a Double Potentiostat with Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy for Current Imaging of redox, electroactive systems (2008 - 2023).
4. Added an 88 Processor GPU-based Workstation for computing large molecules and dimers in ground and excited states (2018 - continuing).
B. With FIST funding to department in 2010, established the Atomic Force Microscopy set-up with multiple accessories:
i. Liquid Imaging with Phase Contrast, ii. Conductive Probe module with ultra-sensitive current measurement. (2010-continuing)