2013 ACS highlights: American Chemical Society has highlighted Prof. Patnaik as one of the 30 Indian authors publishing high-quality research in ACS Journals:
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Selected Publications
* Reversible pH-responsive supramolecular aggregates from viologen based amphiphiles – A molecular design perspectiveR.L. Narendran and Archita Patnaik
Soft Matter, 2024, DOI: 10.1039/D4SM00695J
* Covalent Functionalization of Black Phosphorus Quantum Dots and Characteristic Charge Transfer from Anthracene-passivated Black Phosphorus Nanospheres to C60 Pyrrolidine Tris-Acid
Harikrishnan Muniyasamy, Malay Krishna Mahato, Mohammad Abdul Sattar, and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem. C 2024, 128, 25, 10492–10502
* Inconsistency between molecular structure and energy affecting the dipolar strength between electronic states: a probe into unique inter functional correlation among CAM-B3LYP, LC-xHPBE, x-B97XD functionals
S Dutta, A Patnaik
Journal of Chemical Sciences 136 (2), 26, 2024
* Structure and interaction in 2D organized assemblies of cationic lipids with tryptophan: an experimental and computational investigation
B Roy, M Panneerselvam, A Patnaik
New Journal of Chemistry 48 (21), 9814-9829, 2024
* Interface configuration and adhesion in A-polycarbonate bilayer structure: Influence of 27Al+ ion mixing
A Patnaik, C Li
Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Volume 2, 409-424, 2023
* Reciprocity of C=O⋯π interactions with the dominant anion–π on fullerene (C60)– amine-based organocatalysts: a mechanistic elucidation for addition vs. decarboxylation reaction
Murugesan Panneerselvam, Hiregange Akash and Archita Patnaik
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25, 10647-10660, 2023
* Molecular Insights into Antioxidant Efficiency of Melanin: A Sustainable Antioxidant for Natural Rubber Formulations
Mohammad Abdul Sattar and Archita Patnaik
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 127 (38), 8242-8256, 2023
* Phosphonium Ionic Liquid Activated Sulphur Vulcanization: A Way Forward to Reduce Zinc Oxide Levels in Industrial Rubber Formulations
Abdul Sattar Mohammad, Archita Patnaik
ChemSusChem, 16 (10), e202202309, 2023
* Through-Bond-Driven Through-Space Interactions in a Fullerene C60 Noncovalent Dyad: An Unusual Strong Binding between Spherical and Planar π Electron …
M Athar, A Patnaik
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 126 (23), 3629-364, 2022
* Carbon Nanosheets by Morphology‐Retained Carbonization of Two‐Dimensional Assembled Anisotropic Carbon Nanorings
Taizo Mori , Hiroyuki Tanaka, Amit Dalui, Nobuhiko Mitoma, Kengo Suzuki, Mutsuyoshi Matsumoto, Nikhil Aggarwal, Archita Patnaik ,Somobrata Acharya, Lok Kumar Shrestha , Hirotoshi Sakamoto, Kenichiro Itami, Katsuhiko Ariga
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57, 9679 –9683, 2018
* Structure and dynamics of H2O vis-á-vis phenylalanine recognition at a DPPC lipid membrane via interfacial H-bond types: Insights from Polarized near-edge x-ray absorption fineFT-IRRAS and ADMP simulations
Nirod Kumar Sarangi, Nivarthi Ramesh and Archita Patnaik
J. Chem. Phys. 142, 024702 (1-18), 2015
* Bilayer vesicles as precursors for spherical fractal aggregates from the self-assembly of a C60-fullerene-dyad in polar solvent
S. Shankara Gayathri and Archita Patnaik
J.Chem.Phys.124(1),131104-131108, 2006 (Also published in theVirtual Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13 (15)).
* Polarized near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy of C60-functionalized 11-Amino-1-Undecane thiol self-assembled monolayer: Molecular orientation and evidence for C60 aggregation
Archita Patnaik, Koji K.Okudaira, Hiroyuki Setoyama, Kajuhiko Mase and Nobuo Ueno
J. Chem. Phys., 122, 154703 – 154709,2005
* Surface / Interface Electronic Structure in C60 anchored aminothiolate self-assembled monolayer: an approach to molecular electronics
Archita Patnaik, Hiroyuki Setoyama, and Nobuo Ueno
J. Chem.Phys., 120 (13) , 6214 – 6221, 2004
* Microscopic diffusion model applied to C60 fullerene fractals in Carbon Disulphide solution
Alok D. Bokare and Archita Patnaik
J. Chem.Phys. 119 (8), 4529 - 4538, 2003
* Electron transport across fractal -like nanocrystalline clusters in N+ ion-beam induced poly (phenylene oxide)
A. Das, S., Dhara and A. Patnaik
J.Chem.Phys. 114 (19), 8573 - 8582, 2001
* Dimeric conformation sensitive electronic excited states of tetracene congeners and their unconventional non-fluorescent behavior
N Aggarwal and Archita Patnaik
Journal of Chemical Sciences,1-14, 2019
* Oxidation State-Dependent Electronic Properties of Sulfur-Containing Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Molecules
E. Varathan and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem. A, 123, 8755−8765, 2019
* Natural rubber-SiO2 nanohybrids: Interface structure and Dynamics
Sattar, M.A., Nair, A.S., Xavier, P.J., Patnaik, A.
Soft Matter, 15, 2826-2837, 2019
* Role of Interface Structure and Chain Dynamics on the Diverging Glass Transition Behavior of SSBR-SiO2-PIL Elastomers
Mohammad Abdul Sattar and Archita Patnaik*
ACS Omega, 5, 21191–21202, 2020
* Structure and Dynamics of N-methylfulleropyrrolidine Mediated Gold Nanocomposite: a Spectroscopic Ruler
Sanjeeb Sutradhar and Archita Patnaik
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017 (DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b02640)
* Fractal nature of -bonded nanocrystalline clusters: a N+ beam induced phenomena”.
Das A., Dhara S. and Patnaik A.
Phys. Rev. B59 , 11069 - 11076, 1999
* Solvent Polarity Tunable Dimeric Association of a Fullerene (C60) – N, N – dimethylaminoazobenzene Dyad: Modulated Electronic Coupling of Azo Chromophore with Substituted 3D Fullerene (C60)
K. Senthil Kumar and Archita Patnaik
Chemistry - A European Journal, 17(19), 5327-5343, 2011
* Unilamellar Composite vesicles and Y-Junctions from Pristine Fullerene C60
Illa Ramakanth, B. Vijai Shankar and Archita Patnaik
Chem Commun., 4081, 2008
* Electrical rectification from a fullerene[60]-dyad based metal–organic–metal junction”.
S. Shankara Gayathri and Archita Patnaik
Chem. Commun.1977 – 1979, 2006
* Structure and Dynamics of DL- Homocysteine Functionalized Fullerene-C60 - Gold Nanocomposite: a Femtomolar L-Histidine Sensor
Sanjeeb Sutradhar, Geevarghese Vadakken Jacob and Archita Patnaik
J. Mat. Chem. B, 2017, DOI: 10.1039/C7TB01089C
* A New Fullerene-C60 - Nanogold Composite for Non-enzymatic Glucose Sensing
Sanjeeb Sutradhar and Archita Patnaik
Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 241, 681-689, 2017
* Unusual Non-emissive Behavior of Rubrene J-Aggregates: A Rare Violation
Nikhil Aggarwal and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem. B, 121 (14), 3190–3201, 2017
* A New Class of Nitroanilinic Dimer, the PNA O–Dimer: Electronic Structure and Emission Characteristics of O–Dimeric Aggregates
Nikhil Aggarwal and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem. A, 119 (30), pp 8388–8399, 2015
* Iso-Oriented Fluorescent Colloidal Nanocrystals of Bis-Cyanostyryl Thiophenes: Crucial Secondary Halogen Interactions toward Stability and Transport
Nivarthi Ramesh and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 1909−1917, 2016
* Establishing the Ellipsoidal Geometry of a Benzoic Acid-Based Amphiphile via Dimer Switching: Insights from Intramolecular Rotation and Facial H-Bond Torsion
Nivarthi Ramesh, Nirod Kumar Sarangi, and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem. B 2013 117, 5345–5354
* Novel Two-Component Gels of Cetylpyridinium Chloride and the Bola-amphiphile 6-Amino Caproic Acid: Phase Evolution and Mechanism of Gel Formation
Illa Ramakanth and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem. B, 116 (9), 2722–2729, 2012
* Unraveling Tryptophan Modulated 2D DPPC Lattices: An Approach toward Stimuli Responsiveness of the Pulmonary Surfactant
Nirod Kumar Sarangi and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem. B, 115 (46), 13551–13562, 2011
* A new pH and thermo-responsive chiral hydrogel for stimulated release”
Shankar, B. V. and Patnaik, A.
J. Phys. Chem. B, 111(31), 9294-9300, 2007
* Chiral Discrimination of a Gemini-Type Surfactant with Rigid Spacer at the Air-Water Interface”.
Shankar, B.V. and Patnaik, A.
J. Phys. Chem. B.,111(39),11419-11427, 2007
* C60 aggregate structure and geometry in non-polar o-Xylene
Alok D. Bokare and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem.B 109, 87-92, 2005
* Rotational flexibility in NH4+ - encapsulated 18–Crown–6 studied by molecular dynamics and positron annihilation
Alok D. Bokare and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem. A 109(7), 1269-1271, 2005
* Self-organization of C60 nanoparticles in Carbon Disulphide solution
Alok D. Bokare and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem.B 107(25), 6079 – 6086, 2003
* Tunable One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Self-Assemblies from an Acceptor–Donor Fullerene–N,N-Dimethylaminoazobenzene Dyad: Interfacial Geometry and Temporal Evolution
K. Senthil Kumar and Archita Patnaik
Langmuir, 27 (17), 11017–11025, 2011
* Equilibrium Structure and Dynamics of (2R, 3R)-(+)-bis(decyloxy)succinic Acid at the Air-Water Interface”.
Shankar, B. V., Patnaik, A.
Langmuir, 24, 758-766, 2008
* One Pot Hemimicellar Synthesis of Amphiphilic Janus Gold Nanoclusters for Novel Electronic Attributes’’
Biji P., Nirod. K. Sarangi and Archita Patnaik
Langmuir, 26 (17), 14047-14057,2010
* Novel Crown Ether-Capped Cationic Gold Nanoclusters in an Aqueous Medium and their Single-Electron Charging Features”
Biji, P.; Patnaik, A.
Langmuir; 23, 12048- 12054,2007
* Aggregation of a C60-Didodecyloxybenzene Dyad: Structure, Dynamics, and Mechanism of Vesicle Growth
Gayathri, S. S.; Patnaik, A.
Langmuir, 23(9), 4800-4808, 2007
* pH dependent chiral vesicles from enantiomeric 2,3 bis(decyloxy) succinic acid in aqueous solution”.
B. Vijai Shankar and Archita Patnaik
Langmuir, 23, 3523 – 3529, 2007
* Surface Pressure Driven Supramolecular Architechtures from mixed H-aggregates of a Dye capped azobenzene derivative
B.V. Shankar and Archita Patnaik
Langmuir, 22, 4758 – 4765, 2006
* Structure and Dynamics in solvent polarity induced aggregates from a fullerene C60 based dyad”.
S. Shankara Gayathri, Amit K. Agarwal, K.A. Suresh, Archita Patnaik
Langmuir, 21(26), 12139 -12145, 2005
* l-Tryptophan-Induced Electron Transport across Supported Lipid Bilayers: an Alkyl-Chain Tilt-Angle, and Bilayer Symmetry Dependence
Nirod Kumar Sarangi and Archita Patnaik
ChemPhysChem , 13, 4258 – 4270,2012
* Tunable Electronic Properties of a Proton Responsive N, N dimethylaminoazobenzene - Fullerene (C60) Dyad'
K. Senthil Kumar, Archita Patnaik
ChemPhysChem , 11(17), 3645-3655,2010
* Fibrous gels of cetylpyridinium chloride in binary solvent mixtures: structural characteristics and phase behavior
Illa Ramakanth, Nivarthi Ramesh and Archita Patnaik
J. Mater. Chem., 22, 17842-17847, 2012
* Chiral cones and vesicles from Gemini-type fatty acid–heteroditopic amine Mixtures”.
B. Vijai Shankar and Archita Patnaik
Soft Matter, 4, 1713 -1717, 2008 [published as an Advanced Article]
* Characteristics of solubilization and encapsulation of fullerene C60 in non-ionic Triton X-100 micelles
Illa Ramakanth , Archita Patnaik
Carbon, 40(4), 692-698, 2008
* Charge transfer-induced assembly of a gold nanocomposite mediated by N-methylfullero pyrrolidine: excitation energy transfer from Rhodamine B
Sanjeeb Sutradhar and Archita Patnaik
New J. Chem., 41,2401-2408, 2017
* Proton switching as a driving force for the metal–organic complex-mediated growth of gold colloids
Geevarghese Vadakken Jacob, Sanjeeb Sutradhar and Archita Patnaik
New J. Chem. (Advance Article), 40, 7431-7436, 2016
* Tailoring recognition clefts from non-specific recognition matrices in mixed molecular arrays
Nivarthi Ramesh and Archita Patnaik
Analyst, 139, 5772-5780, 2014
* Interfacial Janus gold nanoclusters as excellent phase- and orientation-specific dopamine sensors
P. Biji and Archita Patnaik
Analyst, 137, 4795-4801, 2012
Structure-Directing l-Tryptophan for Supported DPPC Helices and Fractals: An Alkyl-Chain Tilt-Angle Dependence
Nirod Kumar Sarangi and Prof. Archita Patnaik
ChemPlusChem, 77, 898–907, 2012
* Regio-selective lipase catalyzed hydrolysis of oxanorbornane-based sugar-like amphiphiles at air–water interface: A polarized FT-IRRAS study
Nirod Kumar Sarangi, M. Ganesan, K.M. Muraleedharan, Archita Patnaik
Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 204, 25–33, 2017
* A. Role of Interface Structure and Chain Dynamics on the Diverging Glass Transition Behavior of SSBR-SiO2‑PIL Elastomers.
Sattar, M. A.; Patnaik
ACS Omega 5, 21191-21202, 2020.
* Design Principles of Interfacial Dynamic Bonds in Self-Healing Materials: What are the Parameters?
Sattar, M. A.; Patnaik, A.
Chem. Asian J, 15, 4215 - 4240, 2020
List of Publications
I. Ground State Electronic Structure and Electron Transport in Oriented Monolayers / Cluster Assemblies [Donor - Bridge - Acceptor Dyads, Model Lipid Membranes and Oriented Clusters]
* A New Fullerene-C60 - Nanogold Composite for Non-enzymatic Glucose SensingSanjeeb Sutradhar and Archita Patnaik
Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 241, 681-689, 2017
* Iso-Oriented Fluorescent Colloidal Nanocrystals of Bis-Cyanostyryl Thiophenes: Crucial Secondary Halogen Interactions toward Stability and Transport
Nivarthi Ramesh and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 1909−1917, 2016
* Proton switching as a driving force for the metal–organic complex-mediated growth of gold colloids
Geevarghese Vadakken Jacob, Sanjeeb Sutradhar and Archita Patnaik
New J. Chem. (Advance Article), 40, 7431-7436, 2016
* Molecular tilt dependent and tyrosine enhanced electron transfer across ITO/SAM/ [DPPC - Au NP- Tyrosine] Janus nanoparticle junction
Nirod Kumar Sarangi and Archita Patnaik
J. Nanoparticle Research 18 (9): 265 (1 - 14), 2016
* Thermodynamic, kinetic and electronic structure aspects of a charge-transfer active bichromophoric organofullerene
K. Senthil Kumar and Archita Patnaik
J. Chem. Sci., 125, 237–246,2013
* l-Tryptophan-Induced Electron Transport across Supported Lipid Bilayers: an Alkyl-Chain Tilt-Angle, and Bilayer Symmetry Dependence
Nirod Kumar Sarangi and Archita Patnaik
ChemPhysChem , 13, 4258 – 4270,2012
* Tunable Electronic Properties of a Proton Responsive N, N dimethylaminoazobenzene - Fullerene (C60) Dyad'
K. Senthil Kumar, Archita Patnaik
ChemPhysChem , 11(17), 3645-3655,2010
* One Pot Hemimicellar Synthesis of Amphiphilic Janus Gold Nanoclusters for Novel Electronic Attributes’’
Biji P., Nirod. K. Sarangi and Archita Patnaik
Langmuir, 26 (17), 14047-14057,2010
* Surface-confined crown ether-capped gold nanoclusters: investigation on their electrochemical behavior
P. Biji and Archita Patnaik
J Nanopart Res., 14:1005, 1 -10,2012
* Intramolecular electronic communication in a dimethylaminoazobenzene – fullerene C60 dyad: an experimental and TD-DFT study
K. Senthil Kumar, Archita Patnaik
J. Computational Chemistry, 31 (6), 1182 – 1194,2010
* Novel Crown Ether-Capped Cationic Gold Nanoclusters in an Aqueous Medium and their Single-Electron Charging Features”
Biji, P.; Patnaik, A.
Langmuir; 23, 12048- 12054,2007
* Electrical rectification from a fullerene[60]-dyad based metal–organic–metal junction”.
S. Shankara Gayathri and Archita Patnaik
Chem. Commun.1977 – 1979,2006
* Polarized near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy of C60-functionalized 11-Amino-1-Undecane thiol self-assembled monolayer: Molecular orientation and evidence for C60 aggregation
Archita Patnaik, Koji K.Okudaira, Hiroyuki Setoyama, Kajuhiko Mase and Nobuo Ueno
J. Chem. Phys., 122, 154703 – 154709,2005
* A new fullerene C60-didodecyloxybenzene dyad: An evidence for ground state electron transfer”.
S. Shankara Gayathri and Archita Patnaik
Chem. Phys. Lett. 414 (1-3), 198–203,2005
* Surface / Interface Electronic Structure in C60 anchored aminothiolate self-assembled monolayer: an approach to molecular electronics
Archita Patnaik, Hiroyuki Setoyama, and Nobuo Ueno
J. Chem.Phys., 120 (13) , 6214 – 6221, 2004
* Electron transport across fractal -like nanocrystalline clusters in N+ ion-beam induced poly (phenylene oxide)
A. Das, S., Dhara and A. Patnaik
J.Chem.Phys. 114 (19), 8573 - 8582, 2001
* Fractal nature of -bonded nanocrystalline clusters: a N+ beam induced phenomena”.
Das A., Dhara S. and Patnaik A.
Phys. Rev. B59 , 11069 - 11076, 1999
II. 3D Bulk Solution Phase Aggregate Curvature and Dynamics
* Structure and Dynamics of N-methylfulleropyrrolidine Mediated Gold Nanocomposite: a Spectroscopic RulerSanjeeb Sutradhar and Archita Patnaik
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017 (DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b02640)
* Structure and Dynamics of DL- Homocysteine Functionalized Fullerene-C60 - Gold Nanocomposite: a Femtomolar L-Histidine Sensor
Sanjeeb Sutradhar, Geevarghese Vadakken Jacob and Archita Patnaik
J. Mat. Chem. B, 2017, DOI: 10.1039/C7TB01089C
* Unusual Non-emissive Behavior of Rubrene J-Aggregates: A Rare Violation
Nikhil Aggarwal and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem. B, 121 (14), 3190–3201, 2017
* Charge transfer-induced assembly of a gold nanocomposite mediated by N-methylfullero pyrrolidine: excitation energy transfer from Rhodamine B
Sanjeeb Sutradhar and Archita Patnaik
New J. Chem., 41,2401-2408, 2017
* A New Class of Nitroanilinic Dimer, the PNA O–Dimer: Electronic Structure and Emission Characteristics of O–Dimeric Aggregates
Nikhil Aggarwal and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem. A, 119 (30), pp 8388–8399, 2015
* Fibrous gels of cetylpyridinium chloride in binary solvent mixtures: structural characteristics and phase behavior
Illa Ramakanth, Nivarthi Ramesh and Archita Patnaik
J. Mater. Chem., 22, 17842-17847, 2012
* Novel Two-Component Gels of Cetylpyridinium Chloride and the Bola-amphiphile 6-Amino Caproic Acid: Phase Evolution and Mechanism of Gel Formation
Illa Ramakanth and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem. B, 116 (9), 2722–2729, 2012
* Solvent Polarity Tunable Dimeric Association of a Fullerene (C60) – N, N – dimethylaminoazobenzene Dyad: Modulated Electronic Coupling of Azo Chromophore with Substituted 3D Fullerene (C60)
K. Senthil Kumar and Archita Patnaik
Chemistry - A European Journal, 17(19), 5327-5343, 2011
* Tunable One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Self-Assemblies from an Acceptor–Donor Fullerene–N,N-Dimethylaminoazobenzene Dyad: Interfacial Geometry and Temporal Evolution
K. Senthil Kumar and Archita Patnaik
Langmuir, 27 (17), 11017–11025, 2011
* Equilibrium Structure and Dynamics of (2R, 3R)-(+)-bis(decyloxy)succinic Acid at the Air-Water Interface”.
Shankar, B. V., Patnaik, A.
Langmuir, 24, 758-766, 2008
* Unilamellar Composite vesicles and Y-Junctions from Pristine Fullerene C60
Illa Ramakanth, B. Vijai Shankar and Archita Patnaik
Chem Commun., 4081, 2008
* Characteristics of solubilization and encapsulation of fullerene C60 in non-ionic Triton X-100 micelles
Illa Ramakanth , Archita Patnaik
Carbon, 40(4), 692-698, 2008
* Chiral cones and vesicles from Gemini-type fatty acid–heteroditopic amine Mixtures”.
B. Vijai Shankar and Archita Patnaik
Soft Matter, 4, 1713 -1717, 2008 [published as an Advanced Article]
* A new pH and thermo-responsive chiral hydrogel for stimulated release”
Shankar, B. V. and Patnaik, A.
J. Phys. Chem. B, 111(31), 9294-9300, 2007
* Structure and dynamics in self-organized C60 fullerenes
Archita Patnaik
J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Special Issue on ‘ Fullerenes and Nanotubes’, 7, 1111-1150, 2007 [Invited (peer-reviewed) Review Article]
* Aggregation of a C60-Didodecyloxybenzene Dyad: Structure, Dynamics, and Mechanism of Vesicle Growth
Gayathri, S. S.; Patnaik, A.
Langmuir, 23(9), 4800-4808, 2007
* pH dependent chiral vesicles from enantiomeric 2,3 bis(decyloxy) succinic acid in aqueous solution”.
B. Vijai Shankar and Archita Patnaik
Langmuir, 23, 3523 – 3529, 2007
* Bilayer vesicles as precursors for spherical fractal aggregates from the self-assembly of a C60-fullerene-dyad in polar solvent
S. Shankara Gayathri and Archita Patnaik
J.Chem.Phys.124(1),131104-131108, 2006 (Also published in theVirtual Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13 (15)).
* Structure and Dynamics in solvent polarity induced aggregates from a fullerene C60 based dyad”.
S. Shankara Gayathri, Amit K. Agarwal, K.A. Suresh, Archita Patnaik
Langmuir, 21(26), 12139 -12145, 2005
* C60 aggregate structure and geometry in non-polar o-Xylene
Alok D. Bokare and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem.B 109, 87-92, 2005
* Rotational flexibility in NH4+ - encapsulated 18–Crown–6 studied by molecular dynamics and positron annihilation
Alok D. Bokare and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem. A 109(7), 1269-1271, 2005
* Alok D. Bokare and Archita Patnaik
Self-organization of C60 nanoparticles in Carbon Disulphide solution
J. Phys. Chem.B 107(25), 6079 – 6086, 2003
* Microscopic diffusion model applied to C60 fullerene fractals in Carbon Disulphide solution
Alok D. Bokare and Archita Patnaik
J. Chem.Phys. 119 (8), 4529 - 4538, 2003
* Establishing a kinetic control regime for the decomposition of brominated fullerene derivatives: C60Br24 and C60Br6
S. Shankara Gayathri, M. Kamruddin, A.K.Tyagi and Archita Patnaik
Chemical Physics Letters, 374, 33-40, 2003
* Existence of a third crystalline phase in TBBA
Alok D. Bokare and Archita Patnaik
Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, 403, 23-31, 2003
* Orientational ordering in polymorphic terepthal-bis-4-butylaniline”
Alok D. Bokare, Dipankar Das, Heinz Amenitsch and Archita Patnaik
Solid State Communications 122(6) , 329 – 333, 2002
* Recoil Tritium - C60 Interaction: A Channel for Endohedral Encapsulation of Tritium in C60”.
Rashmi R. Sahoo, Alok D. Bokare and Archita Patnaik
Carbon, 40, 2453-2460, 2002
* Thermal Desorption of 3He from T@C60
Rashmi R.Sahoo and Archita Patnaik
Chem. Phys. Lett., 349, 201-209, 2001
* Positron Lifetime as a nano probe for free volume distribution in high density Polyethylene- Carbon Black conducting composites
A. Patnaik, Z. Zhu, G.Gang and Y. Sun
Physica Status Solidi (a) 169, 115 - 125, 1998
III. Interfacially Confined 2D Aggregate Curvature and Dynamics
* Regio-selective lipase catalyzed hydrolysis of oxanorbornane-based sugar-like amphiphiles at air–water interface: A polarized FT-IRRAS studyNirod Kumar Sarangi, M. Ganesan, K.M. Muraleedharan, Archita Patnaik
Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 204, 25–33, 2017
* Structure and dynamics of H2O vis-á-vis phenylalanine recognition at a DPPC lipid membrane via interfacial H-bond types: Insights from polarized FT-IRRAS and ADMP simulations
Nirod Kumar Sarangi, Nivarthi Ramesh and Archita Patnaik
J. Chem. Phys. 142, 024702 (1-18), 2015
* Tailoring recognition clefts from non-specific recognition matrices in mixed molecular arrays
Nivarthi Ramesh and Archita Patnaik
Analyst, 139, 5772-5780, 2014
* Tailoring strained oxanorbornane head groups to dimensionally controlled nanostructures through hydrogen bonding
Nivarthi Ramesh, M. Ganesan, Nirod Kumar Sarangi, K. M. Muraleedharan and Archita Patnaik
RSC Adv., 4, 9762-9770, 2014
* Bio-inspired Janus gold nanoclusters with lipid and amino acid functional capping ligands: Micro-voltammetry and in situ electron transfer in a biogenic environment
Nirod Kumar Sarangi and Archita Patnaik
RSC Adv., 4, 29463-29473, 2014
* Establishing the Ellipsoidal Geometry of a Benzoic Acid-Based Amphiphile via Dimer Switching: Insights from Intramolecular Rotation and Facial H-Bond Torsion
Nivarthi Ramesh, Nirod Kumar Sarangi, and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem. B 2013 117, 5345–5354
* Structure-Directing l-Tryptophan for Supported DPPC Helices and Fractals: An Alkyl-Chain Tilt-Angle Dependence
Nirod Kumar Sarangi and Prof. Archita Patnaik
ChemPlusChem, 77, 898–907, 2012
* Interfacial Janus gold nanoclusters as excellent phase- and orientation-specific dopamine sensors
P. Biji and Archita Patnaik
Analyst, 137, 4795-4801, 2012
* Unraveling Tryptophan Modulated 2D DPPC Lattices: An Approach toward Stimuli Responsiveness of the Pulmonary Surfactant
Nirod Kumar Sarangi and Archita Patnaik
J. Phys. Chem. B, 115 (46), 13551–13562, 2011
* Chiral Discrimination of a Gemini-Type Surfactant with Rigid Spacer at the Air-Water Interface”.
Shankar, B.V. and Patnaik, A.
J. Phys. Chem. B.,111(39),11419-11427, 2007
* Interfacial behavior of brominated fullerene (C60Br24) and stearic acid mixed Langmuir films at air-water interface
S. Shankara Gayathri and Archita Patnaik
Chem.Phys.Lett. 433, 317 – 322, 2007
* Surface Pressure Driven Supramolecular Architechtures from mixed H-aggregates of a Dye capped azobenzene derivative
B.V. Shankar and Archita Patnaik
Langmuir, 22, 4758 – 4765, 2006
* J – aggregates in matrix-stabilized two dimensional Azobenzene derivatives
B.V. Shankar and Archita Patnaik
J. Colloid and Interf. Sci., 302, 259 – 266, 2006
* Surface confined self-assembled Fullerene nanostructures: a microscopic study
Rashmi R. Sahoo and Archita Patnaik
Appl. Surf. Sci., 245 (124), 26-38, 2005
* Binding of fullerenes to gold surface functionalized by self-assembled monolayers of 8-amino-1-octane thiol: A structure elucidation
Rashmi R. Sahoo and Archita Patnaik
J. Colloid and Interf. Sci. 268, 43-49, 2003
* S. Shankara Gayathri, M.Kamruddin, A.K.Tyagi and Archita Patnaik
Establishing a kinetic control regime for the decomposition of brominated fullerene derivatives : C60Br24 and C60Br6
Chemical Physics Letters, 374, 33-40, 2003
* Structure of mesogenic ANBC-16 at the air-water interface
Alok D. Bokare and Archita Patnaik
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 383 , 49 – 55, 2002
* Interface configuration and adhesion in Au-polycarbonate bilayer structure : Influence of 27 Al+ ion mixing”.
Archita Patnaik and Changlin Li
J.Vac.Sci.Tech.A, 19 (3), 848 – 855, 2001
* Interface configuration in Au / Polycarbonate bilayer structure : an in-situ study through Ar+ depth profiling “.
Archita Patnaik and Changlin Li
Appl. Surf.Sci. 140 , 197 - 203 , 1999
* N+ beam induced nano-cluster formation in poly(2,6)-dimethyl phenylene oxide) thin films”.
A.Das, G.Ghosh, S.Dhara and A.Patnaik
Materials Letters 38, 82 - 86 , 1999
* N+ ion-target interactions in PPO polymer : A structural characterization
A . Das, S. Dhara and A. Patnaik
Nucl. Instr. Meth.Phys.Res. B 149 , 53 - 60 , 1999
* Evidence for metal interaction in gold metallized polycarbonate films: an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy investigation “
Archita Patnaik and Changlin Li
J. Appl. Phys. 83 (6), 3049-3056,1998
* Deposition and characterisation of laser ablated poly( p-phenylene sulfide) thin films
A.Das, S.Bera , N.Sivakumar, N.Joseph and A.Patnaik
Applied Surface Science 135 , 37 - 45 , 1998
* Physical and chemical implications of 100 keV H+ implantation of laser ablated PPS thin films
A.Das, S.Bera, S.Dhara and A.Patnaik
Nucl.Instr.Meth. Phys.Res.B 134 , 377 -384, 1998
* Latent track effects of swift argon ions in polyimide
Changlin Li, Youmei Sun, Yunfan Jin,Gang Liu, Mingdong Hou, Fen Ma and Archita Patnaik
Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res.B 135 , 234 - 238 , 1998
* Effect of energetic charged particles on laser ablated thin film of poly(phenylene sulfide)
Das, N. Sivakumar, M. Joseph, S.Dhara, and A.Patnaik
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 51, 679-680, 1998
* The effects of ion-beam interaction in polymers” (Review)
Archita Patnaik
Metals, Materials and Processes, 6, 245-262, 19950020
* Variation in the flourine to carbon elemental ratio in PVDF due to 90 kev D+implantation”.
U K Chaturvedi, A Patnaik, R N Chakraborty and A K Nigam
Radiation Effects, 105, 269-277, 1988.
* Oxidizing role of water vapour in the 250 keV D+ induced radiolysis ofpolyimide Kapton-H”.
U.K Chaturvedi, A Patnaik, R Pathak, and R N Chakraborty
Mat.Res.Symp.Proc. 100, 749 - 754, 1988
* Depletion of carbon in UHMWPE due to 340 keV D+ implantation
U K Chaturvedi, A Patnaik, and A K Nigam
Radiation Effects, 104, 43-50, 1987
IV. Spectro-Analytical Estimations
* Production and chemical analysis of ice tholinsGene D. McDonald, Linda J. Whited, Cynthia DeRuiter, Bishun N. Khare,. Archita Patnaik, and Carl Sagan.
ICARUS, 122 (1), 107, 1996
* Condensation dynamics of cometary ice analogs in view of primordial accretion of volatiles on grain surfaces: A study through Infrared Spectroscopy
A. Patnaik and K. Roessler
Spectrochimica Acta A, 52 , 1085 - 1094, 1996
* Crystal structure of Ammonium Thiocyanate complex of 18-Crown-6
Alok D. Bokare and Archita Patnaik
Crystal Research and Technology, 39(5), 465-469, 2004
* Use of the single comparator method in aerosol conposition analysis by delayed photon spectroscopy”,
N. Jayanthi and A. Patnaik
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 47, 761-766, 1996
* Reactions of suprathermal Carbon atoms in solid methane
Archita Patnaik, K Roessler and E Zador
Radiochimica Acta, 50 (1/2), 75-80, 1990
* Modification of simple organic solids in space; Energetic carbon interaction in solid methane”.
Archita Patnaik, K Roessler and E Zador
Adv.Space Research, 9(6), 49-52, 1989
* The response of pristine and doped poly(p-phenylene sulfide) towards MeV gamma photons”.
A. Das and A. Patnaik
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 54(2), 109 - 112 , 1999
* Recoil chemistry of I-128 atoms in CsIO3 under (n, γ) process”
S. P. Mishra and A. Patnaik
Int. J. Appl.Radiat.Isotopes, 37, 955-959 , 1986
* Recoil I-128 atoms in I2O5 under (n, γ) process
S.P. Mishra and A.Patnaik
J. Radioanal. Nucl.Chem.Letts. 103, 63 - 72 , 1986
* Recoil I-128 in anhydrous Copper Iodate
R. B. Sharma, A.Patnaik and S.P. Mishra
J. Radioanal. Nucl.Chem.Letts. 94, 33-44, 1985
* Recoil chemistry of LiIO3 under (n,g )process
S.P.Mishra, A.Patnaik, R.B.Sharma and D.P.Wagley
Radiochimica Acta, 34 , 189 -193, 1983
* Pre-heat treatment study of recoil I-128 in Lithium and Copper Iodates
S. P. Mishra, A. Patnaik and D.P.Wagley
J. Chem.Soc., Faraday Trans.I , 80, 47 - 54, 1984
Book Chapter:
Archita Patnaik"Non-Covalent Approaches to Facile Synthesis of Dimension-Specific H and J-Aggregates"
J-Aggregates: Volume 2, 342 -401, 2012 World Scientific publishing, edited by Takayoshi Kobayashi

Book Description
Publication Date: January 2012 | ISBN-10: 9814365742 | ISBN-13: 978-9814365741 | Edition: 1
This work deals with J-aggregates, which have a long history of research. The volume covers electronic states, linear and nonlinear optical properties. Various properties and processes of J-aggregates, such as super-radiance, excitons, photon echo, geometrical structure, electron transfer and femtosecond spectroscopy, are discussed.
"Hydrogen Bond Directed 2D Materials at Modulated Interfaces"
Pages 31-88, 2019